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Enerev5 Metals focuses on exploration and development potential related to energy metals such as nickel, copper, cobalt and other strategic battery minerals, in mining friendly and politically stable jurisdictions.

Province of Quebec, Canada

Province of Quebec, Canada. 

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Location map of Barbara Bay and Goals Met properties relative to Go Metals HSP Project.

Location map of Barbara Bay and Goals Met properties relative to Go Metals HSP Project. Click image for enhanced version of graphic

Geology of Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec showing HSP and Turtle Anorthosite units.

Geology of Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec showing HSP and Turtle Anorthosite units.

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Selective surface assays near the Turtle Anorthosite contact of the Barbara Bay project.

Selective surface assays near the Turtle Anorthosite contact of the Barbara Bay project. Click image for enhanced version of graphic

Selected conductive responses (yellow circles) near the Turtle Anorthosite contact of the Barbara Bay project.

Selected conductive responses (yellow circles) near the Turtle Anorthosite contact of the Barbara Bay project.

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Energy Metals Projects

The Company currently has two major nickel exploration projects both in Quebec - Barbara Bay and Goals Met.    

Barbara Bay

Barbara Bay totals 33,200 hectares of contiguous claims located about 100 kilometers northeast of Sept-Iles in Eastern Quebec.


The Company, in late 2022, initially acquired through staking 100% interest in 447 mining claims comprising approximately 24,000 ha in the Province of Quebec. This initial set of claims was expanded by way of an agreement between the Company and arms-length parties to acquire a 100% interest in an additional 171 mining claims comprising approximately 9,234 hectares in Quebec contiguous to the initial set of claims. There are no further acquisition costs and no royalties are owed on the claims.

Nickel projects start with the right geology and Enerev5’s Barbara Bay Project covers the large Turtle Lake Anorthosite that has known nickel-copper showings, and geophysical conductors that are prospective for large nickel deposits. With Barbara Bay the Company has staked almost the entire contact of the anorthosite intrusion that has similarities to that of the Go Metals HSP nickel-copper-cobalt project and the Murchison Minerals HPM nickel-copper-cobalt project located 120 kilometers northeast and 120 kilometers northwest of Barbara Bay respectively. 

Enerev’s 33,200 hectares of property (275 square kilometers in area) gives us a prospective contact length of 60 kilometers with several known EM conductors at the contact. There are several historic surface showings of copper, nickel and cobalt close to the interpreted contact grading up to 2.5% copper and 0.7% nickel. The contact has been interpreted using a high resolution magnetic and EM survey flown in the 1990s. Our strategy at Barbara Bay is to fly the anorthosite contact using a modern geophysical system that reaches depths of 300 meters. This system will define the contact and any mineralized conductors for a follow-up drill program.


This process of identifying prospective geology by researching historical data, flying with modern technology, and directly drilling the targets, is the most efficient way to make a nickel-copper discovery. The contact at Barbara Bay is located about 25 to 40 kilometers from a rail line, hydro lines and staging areas mitigating the cost and logistics of exploring and developing this underexplored area of eastern Quebec. The rail line connects Labrador City, Labrador to the port of Sept-Iles, Quebec. It was completed in 1954 and currently is owned by Iron Ore Company of Canada and is a common carrier actively providing freight services to Labrador City and many other communities on the line. The major hydro lines roughly parallel the rail line until the Labrador border carrying power from Churchill Falls, Labrador to Sept-Iles, Quebec.

Goals Met

The Goals Met claims were acquired through the staking of 135 mining claims in the Province of Quebec using arms-length stakers.


Goals Met now comprises approximately 7,290 hectares of ground prospective for nickel, copper, cobalt, and PGEs. The property is located about 120 kilometers east of the Barbara Bay project in eastern Quebec, 45 kilometers south of Go Metals HSP project. Goals Met is 100% controlled by Enerev5 and no royalties are owing on the claims.

The Company will release more information regarding the geo-significance of both the Barbara Bay and Goals Met properties and follow-up exploration work when available.

Other Projects

The Company is assessing several potential future projects in parallel with Barbara Bay and Goals Met. While at different stages of due diligence, as yet no transaction has been concluded, so it is not possible to provide specific details on these prospects.

However, in general, these potential project options include strategic battery metals as well as carbon sequestration minerals, in politically stable and mining friendly jurisdictions in Canada and elsewhere.

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